Dave Coull appointed CEO of Stage Electrics Group
The team at technical solutions company Stage Electrics Group have been advised today that the company’s present Managing Director, Dave Coull, has been appointed as the company’s Group Chief Executive Officer.
Announcing the change, the company’s Chairman, William Rogers, praised the work of Coull over the last three years. “Given the tremendously strong recovery the business has made from the trials of Covid and the positive transformation that the company has been undergoing over the last three years, this appointment not only reflects upon the outstanding job that Dave has done, but also highlights the ambition we have as a business to build our company into a group of operations that sit at the professional heart of our sector.”
“We have a simply outstanding team of people at Stage Electrics Group, and it is entirely fitting that one of our next steps is to establish the foundations upon which the ambitions we have can be built,” said Rogers. “This appointment is one such step.”
Dave Coull expressed his delight at the news and paid a warm tribute to “the fantastic team of people at Stage Electrics Group who have made the group the success it is today.”
“Whilst I am obviously thrilled to have been recognised in this way, this is really all about building the right structures and frameworks across the business, to ensure that we are fully prepared for the challenges ahead as well as ensuring that we achieve our full potential as we look to grow and build going forward,” said Coull.