Pleasance Adopts Admiral Treefix Cable Binders, Boosting Sustainability and Efficiency

Pleasance, a pivotal player at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe for 40 years, announces a significant enhancement in operational efficiency and environmental sustainability across its UK venues. Starting in 2022, the organisation began integrating Admiral Treefix cable binders, moving away from the traditional use of PVC tape.

To date, 22 venues within the Pleasance network have embraced the innovative Treefix binders, with plans underway to expand this initiative across all sites. The switch not only represents a stride towards greater sustainability but also ensures heightened operational efficiency, especially during set-ups and load-outs.

Ease of Use and Operational Efficiency 

Hamish Ellis, Head of Technical (Edinburgh) at Pleasance, highlights the practical benefits: "The Treefix binders have significantly simplified the way we manage our equipment. Their ease of use is particularly appreciated by our volunteers, helping us streamline operations and maintain our equipment in top condition."

Environmental Impact and Cost Savings 

The transition to Treefix binders aligns with Pleasance's commitment to environmental stewardship. "Adopting these binders has allowed us to drastically reduce waste and ongoing costs associated with purchasing PVC tape," Ellis added. The durability and reusability of Treefix products mean fewer resources are consumed, bolstering the group's sustainability efforts.

Aesthetic and Professional Advantages 

Treefix binders are not only functional but also offer aesthetic benefits. They provide a neat and professional appearance, crucial for maintaining the visual standards expected at top-tier performance venues.

Pleasance's proactive shift to more sustainable operations highlights its role as an industry leader in innovation and environmental responsibility.

For further information, partnerships, or to discuss how these initiatives can benefit your operations, please contact: Email:

About Pleasance: Pleasance is renowned for producing diverse performances across the UK, fostering new talents and innovative productions, particularly at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

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