Stage Electrics Upgrade Theatre Royal, Windsor
In the late 1980’s the Theatre Royal, Windsor, underwent a minor refurbishment in which Stage Electrics provided new Production Lighting Panels, moved and refurbished the existing dimmers, ensuring the theatre was operating in line with health and safety standards of the time. Nearly 30 years later Stage Electrics have returned to the iconic theatre to upgrade their mains supply and 50-year-old dimmers.
“After a long period of service, the theatre’s dimmers were finally coming to the end of their lives” commented Saul Eagles, Business Development Manager at Stage Electrics “With some of the dimmers being nearly 50 years old, the theatre contacted us to discuss their options for replacement.”
“As Theatre Royal Windsor is one of the few unsubsidised producing theatres in the UK, it is dependent on ticket sales to operate, so the option of an extended dark period was unfeasible” Saul continued “The project needed to be completed rapidly, with no room for delays. Stage Electrics’ reputation for seamless project management and careful planning, along with a long-standing relationship with the client, made us the perfect choice to carry out this work as part of the Theatres bigger building maintenance programme to keep this listed building operating in line with heavy production requirements.”
“We completed the entire works a day ahead of schedule” Stated Jonathan Adkins, Technical Project Manager at Stage Electrics “This work involved the removal of all the redundant dimmer racks, the installation of all new switch-gear, extending a number of circuits, renumbering and allocating the phasing of circuits and installation of three ETC Sensor dimmers”.
In total there were over 200 channels of new dimming provided which incorporated the theatre’s technical power and effects circuits allowing console control over these features that were not previously available.
“This project was always to be challenging owing to the re-use of some of the wiring” continued Saul “However, the careful planning and management of Jonathan and the team, ensured that the detailed design was managed efficiently and to the entire satisfaction of the client”.
Situated a stone’s throw away from the historic Windsor Castle, the Theatre Royal Windsor has a history that stretches back over 200 years. As a first-class regional theatre that is recognised nationally, the Theatre Royal Windsor is operated by Bill Kenwright Ltd and produces and presents a core programme of drama and theatre for all residents and visitors to the Windsor area.