The Art of Safe Pyrotechnics in Live Performances
Le Maitre share some expert insights in to pyrotechnic safety in live performances.
Utilising Le Maitre pyrotechnics and special effects is the sure-fire way to elevate any show to the next level. While these effects can spectacularly enhance your stage performance, the art of safety when incorporating pyrotechnics into your shows cannot be overlooked. Le Maitre and Stage Electrics are committed to ensuring you are equipped with all the knowledge needed to design a safe and inspiring performance. We're here to provide some top tips on the importance of safety when using stage pyrotechnics in a live performance. Remember, pyrotechnics are a great effect as long as they are correctly utilised.
Please note: Everyone intending to use Le Maitre pyrotechnics is encouraged to undergo training. Most importantly, our T2 products will require a certificate and insurance before purchase. For more information on pyrotechnic courses, visit stage-pyro.org.uk.
The information below is provided only as a guide.
By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail!
When including Le Maitre special effects for example in a theatre setting, accounting for every scenario is crucial. It's essential you conduct thorough risk assessments and a method statement, taking into account the safety distances for each product (both radial and in direction of effect), the set on stage, any flammable materials present, the placement of people on stage at the time of ignition, ceiling heights, any hanging objects, and wall materials, video walls and even dust and old confetti that can be lodged in beams and trusses, among other factors. Preparing for the worst-case scenario ensures it will likely never happen.
Test, test, and test again
The importance of testing cannot be overstated. If you’re trying a new Le Maitre special effect or pyrotechnic product for the first time, seize the opportunity to test it in a safe environment. It's crucial to understand the product's height, fallout, and noise level. Moreover, it's vital to familiarise performers with the effect before it's used on stage, especially if children are involved. Explain what they'll see, the noise level, and the importance of being aware of their location during ignition. During dress rehearsals, ensure everyone knows their position on stage before the pyrotechnic is fired, pausing the cast at the expected moment of ignition to verify adherence to safety distances.
Keep ‘dry’ and carry on
To get a consistent performance from the pyrotechnic effects, when not in use the pyrotechnics should be stored in a dry, temperature controlled environment and not subject to rapid changes in temperature or high humidity
The key is... always have your key
A golden rule for pyrotechnicians is to always keep your firing key with you. When loading pyrotechnics, remove your key from the firing systems and wear it around your neck to prevent any unauthorized attempts to trigger the system.
If you’re not sure, don’t fire.
During the performance, you must always have a clear view of the effect you are about to deploy. Whether through direct line of sight or CCTV, you must be entirely confident that the effect will meet all safety standards before it is fired. If performers miss their cue, or a piece of the set is misplaced, prioritise safety over performance and do not fire. If you do not have a clear line of sight to fire, abort the cue/cues until such time as you do.
Safety is a priority with Le Maitre products:
Every Le Maitre product is CE Certified, ensuring compliance with all CE Standards, including materials, packaging, testing, and documentation.
- Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for all Le Maitre pyrotechnics are available for download from our website. We encourage having a printed SDS for all pyrotechnics used in a performance.
- All Le Maitre T1 pyrotechnics include instructions in the box on safe usage.
- Le Maitre conducts thorough testing on every box of pyrotechnics before dispatch and undertakes detailed investigations in the rare event of a misfire.
- Ourtechnical support team is available, offering advice whenever you’re in doubt and can be contacted by emailing technicalsupport@lemaitreltd.com. Prioritising safety ensures the spectacular enhancement of your performance with Le Maitre pyrotechnics and special effects, making every show an unforgettable experience. Visit www.lemaitreltd.com for more information on our pyrotechnic and special effects product range.
Le Maitre proudly recognizes Stage Electrics as a distinguished and long-standing partner, dedicated exclusively to distributing Le Maitre Stage Pyrotechnics. Our collaboration is rooted in a shared commitment to enhancing the safety and quality of your stage performances, ensuring they remain our top priority.