ETC 7415A1200 ColorSource CYC XLR5 Black Stage Electrics
ETC 7415A1200 ColorSource CYC XLR5 Stage Electrics

ETC 7415A1200 ColorSource CYC XLR5 Black

Item Code: 758-9605
Part Number: 7415A1200

Introducing the Colorsource CYC by ETC, a specialised cyclorama fixture designed to effortlessly create smooth, vibrant washes of light on cycloramas or walls. Powered by RGBI-L LEDs, this fixture offers a unique five-colour mix including red, green, blue, indigo, and lime, providing a wide range of colours at an affordable price.

Key features of the Colorsource CYC include:

  • All LED (RGBI-L) technology for rich and bright light output
  • Fanless operation for quiet and efficient performance
  • Compact and lightweight design allows for easy placement on stage floors or hanging from pipes
  • Standalone presets and sequences for convenient operation
  • Simple setup and user interface for intuitive control

Experience the versatility and efficiency of the Colorsource CYC, the perfect solution for achieving stunning lighting effects in any setting. For more detailed information, please refer to the ColourSource CYC datasheet available below the specifications.

Buyers Guide


Type CYC
Brand ETC
Technology LED
Product Range LED CYC
Beam Angle NA
Condition New
Colour Mixing RGBIL

ETC ColourSource CYC Data Sheet

Download The Spec Here

Trade Price: £1,920.60 (Inc VAT)
Normally Available Late June

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